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BRAINTEASER (BRinging Artificial INTElligence home for a better care of Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis and multiple sclerosis) the four-year development-research project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, officially started on the 1st January 2021. The project’s kick off meeting, organised in two days January 28th and 29th 2021, will gather together the project’s partners, a multidisciplinary gender-balanced consortium from academia, industry, clinical settings and the non-profit sector, active in six European Countries. The BRAINTEASER project, that involves 11 partners, including Belit, and is led by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, will face the ambitious challenge of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to process data gathered from patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) to make patients’ management more efficient and effective and to develop models able to predict the disease progression. During the four years of the project, the BRAINTEASER study will involve 300 patients enrolled in the four participating clinical centres located in Italy, Spain and Portugal.

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