• header info - Belit doo, Trg Nikole Pašića 9, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 (11) 20 30 403, office@belit.co.rs
Products and Services
Belit is a reliable partner for both private and public companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of software development and IT project implementation, especially in the areas of financing and banking, energy efficiency, healthcare and social care. We are committed to constantly improving our products and supporting the latest trend in information technology. Belit is a certified company according to the following ISO standards:
  • ISO 9001: 2015 for software development and IT project implementation,
  • ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 for information security management and
  • ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2011 for IT service management system in maintenance and security software solutions.


Our products represent specialized software solutions primarily in the field of finance, public and government sector, but also energy efficiency, copyright protection, human resources, health and social care. These solutions:
  • improve business processes,
  • saves resources and
  • significantly increase efficiency.
  • Energy ManagerInformacioni sistem za praćenje, analizu, planiranje i upravljanjem tokovima energije.
  • Portal javnih nabavkiCentralno mesto za objavljivanje nabavki u elektronskoj formi.
  • Namenski registriPotpuno prilagođena rešenja objedinjenih registara zahtevima klijenata.
  • MARISCentralizovani informacioni sistem kompozitora, tekstopisaca i njihovih dela – koji obuhvata zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine autora muzičkih dela i obračun autorskih honorara nastalih na osnovu tih prava.
  • HR BookAplikacija za vođenje evidencije o ljudskim resursima unutar i van firme.
  • eTestingRešenje za permanentno obrazovanje i testiranja preko interneta.
  • Kreditni BiroSistem za proveru i izveštavanje o trenutnoj solventnosti fizičkih i pravnih lica.
  • sRisksEfikasno, transparentno i jasno dokumentovano rešenje za merenje i evidentiranje nastalih gubitaka po osnovu umanjenja vrednosti NPL.
  • BankReportRešenje koji povezuje centralni bankarski sistem sa izveštajnim odeljenjem u Narodnoj Banci Srbije.
  • PP reportSoftver za upravljanje poreskim prijavama.
  • AgOD reportSoftversko rešenje za elektronsku razmenu podataka i izveštavanje Agencije za osiguranje depozit od strane banke.
  • PP klijentSoftver za povezivanje i razmenu podataka između centralnog sistema kompanije i elektronskog bankarskog sistema.


Broad expertise and commitment to the client allow us to precisely define project goals and scope of implementation, perform a comprehensive process analysis and effectively organize the project, develop and implement solutions in the agreed scope and time – it enables us to provide services perfectly tailored to the client needs. The IT services we provide to our customers are:
  • Development of software applications to external customers,
  • Maintenance of software applications to external customers and
  • Support of software applications for external customers.

Technologies and partnerships with global technology vendors

Belit has developed and maintains partnerships with global technology vendors and has the following statuses:
  • Microsoft Silver Competency Application Development Partner,
  • ORACLE Gold Partner and
  • ShakeSpeare Advanced Certified Partner.
When developing and implementing our products and services, we most often use the following technologies, platforms and tools:
  • NET
  • .NET
  • .NET Core
  • Entity Framework
  • Java EE
  • Angular
  • js
  • js
  • React
  • Highcharts
  • Flutter
  • Laravel
  • CakePHP
  • Spring
Platforms and Tools
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Server
  • Microsoft Share Point 2010 i 2013
  • Microsoft SQL Server/Express
  • Oracle ADF
  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK
  • Xcode
  • iOS SDK
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Tableau
  • Grafana
  • Microsoft BI
  • Apache Spark
  • Java-ML
  • Weka
Programming Languages
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • C#
  • C
  • PHP
  • Swift
  • Dart
Data store
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL
  • Oracle Database
  • IBM DB2
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL

Copyright @ Belit d.o.o. .