The recently published authored article on the European BUILD UP portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings – – describes the relevant just released EPSMARC tool we’ve developed on the BEYOND Project, and provides some general broader insights towards proactive Smart Readiness of built objects driven by contextual intelligence and Big Data…

Belit Presenting the COVID Atlas (PERISCOPE Project) on the International Data Week (IDW) 2023 in Salzburg
We have presented the COVID Atlas, developed during the previous almost three years on the PERISCOPE Project (in intense joint collaboration with partners like UNIPV, UPM, TUM, and GENEGIS), on the International Data Week 2023 (IDW) in Salzburg from Oct. 23rd to 26th, within the packed Poster Session, and additionally in multiple live demonstrations in action…

Belit at the Aquaculture Europe Conference
As part of the FishEUTrust project consortium, Belit took part at the Aquaculture Europe Conference in Vienna, in September 2023. The project’s concept, goals and methodology were presented, centering on the main aim of increasing consumer trust in the fish and other seafood supply chains by strengthening the mechanisms of trust and traceability of the food from…

Periscope Final Conference
The PERISCOPE Final Conference will be held on 8th September in Brussels (Place du Congres 1, 1000 Brussels). After more than two years of research into the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the project draws to a close. The event will delve into the socio-economic and behavioural impacts resulting from the policies implemented in response to…

Belit and BRAINTEASER at ICOST 2023
We have been intensely engaged in the preparation and participation on the jubilary 20th edition of ICOST (2023), International Conference on Smart Living and Public Health held in Wonju, Republic of Korea, on 7th and 8th of July this year, titled Digital Health Transformation and Smart Ageing in Place, with & to Disability, a premier venue for the…