• header info - Belit doo, Trg Nikole Pašića 9, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 (11) 20 30 403, office@belit.co.rs
Work from home – a month later

Work from home – a month later

Today is a full month since we have switched to work-from-home mode. Even before the official measures of the Government, we made this decision and received the news of state of emergency declaration more or less ready in our “home offices”.

It was challenging to say the least, it still is, but we’ve learned some useful things over the course of this month. We have created some new life and work habits, and will continue this way as long as it is necessary.

It became very clear that in this situation communication would be more important than ever, so we intensified the use of existing tools, opened channels where we share tasks, official information and notifications, but also channels for less formal exchange, for jokes, mimes, “useful” links and all that is an integral part of our office life.


We share our experiences and tips for dealing with stress, for organizing work from home, but we also have the understanding that it is now especially challenging to be an employee, parent and partner at the same time, and to be equally effective in different life roles.


We moved the meetings to Skype, Zoom, Teams, Hangouts … Our clients and partners did the same, so we were able to continue doing our jobs very quickly with minor adjustments. Although it turned out that many of the meetings could indeed be contained in e-mail correspondence, we decided to hold meetings more often, and in addition to informing each other about the state of projects and business processes, we also take pay attention to how our colleagues deal with the new way of working. We want to have an insight if someone needs some kind of help and support, as well as let them know that they have someone to rely on. Family is one of our core values, which is why we approach our employees in this way.


We also started video calls with all employees together and agreed to organize them every two weeks, not only to inform about business decisions and plans, but also to see, wave and smile at each other, motivate and support each other. You can see how that looks in the photos 😊

As this is new to all of us, we regularly seek feedback from our employees on newly introduced practices, ways of working and adjusting on the go. We test what gives the best results and learn from it. The most important is that we are all well and healthy.

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