IDPP@CLEF 2022 is the first Open Science Challenge organized by our BRAINTEASER project, under the auspices of the CLEF Initiative (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum).
In this first cycle, we focus on IDPP – Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, while Multiple Sclerosis will be included in the next cycle.
The goal is to design and develop infrastructure to evaluate artificial intelligence algorithms that will be able to:
- – better describe disease mechanisms;
- – stratify patients according to their phenotype assessed all over the disease evolution;
- – predict disease progression in a probabilistic, time dependent fashion.
We hereby invite all partners, collaborators, and followers of the project, especially from the academic research milieu and the artificial intelligence development, machine learning and decision making, to participate in the challenge, with the possibility of acquiring valuable practical experiences on concrete data collected and evaluation of algorithms.
More about the participation and registration process at: and