• header info - Belit doo, Trg Nikole Pašića 9, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 (11) 20 30 403, office@belit.co.rs


  • Built-in complete work flow for assessment of impairments.
  • Predefined loss event triggers.
  • Individual recovery estimation, provision calculation and approval process (4 eye principle).
  • Assessment of underlying collateral value.
  • Calculation of adjustments of interest income on impaired assets (Interest Revenue Correction).
  • Built-in process of user activity tracking.
  • Document management system enables sufficient corroborative documents for audit and regulatory supervision.

Managing Non-Performing Loan portfolios in banks.

With inadequate management, non-performing loans are maintained and continuously rolled over. This further leads to significant provisions and decreases the bank revenue and reduces the funds for new lending, hindering the economic growth and impairing the banks efficiency.

    Enhance your debt collection
  • Define and measure efficiency of restructuring and work out strategies.
  • Monitor your case status according to chosen strategy – restructuring, foreclosure, or bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Workflow algorithm with built-in court calendar reminders enables you to prepare and react timely for legal actions.
  • Monitor efficiency of workout managers.
  • Control cost and performance of outsourced solicitors.
  • Track collection efficiency and monitor internal and external operating costs.
  • Calculate bad debt allowances and provisions for impaired assets in accordance with IAS/IFRS.

  • Loan Loss Provision movement schedules.
  • NPL portfolio breakdown by work out strategies.
  • Efficiency and performance measures, days in lawsuit, days in solicitor, cost by solicitor and collections by workout manager/solicitor.
  • Court hearing scheduler.
  • Single client view.


  • Efficient, transparent and clearly documented solution for measurement and documentation of losses due to decreased value of Non-Performing Loans.


  • Hypo-Alpe Adria Leasing


  • Leasing houses

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