• header info - Belit doo, Trg Nikole Pašića 9, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 (11) 20 30 403, office@belit.co.rs


  • Modern, flexible and scalable web application.
  • The detailed statistical reports on the results of testing enable each user to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the gained knowledge.
  • The uniqueness of generated tests is achieved by random selection of questions within each difficulty level and random selection of supplied answers and their order of appearance for each selected question.
  • Tests can be generated for each course.
  • Test time can be limited in accordance with specific system requirements.

Belit e-Testing solution is conceived as a modern, rich web application which can be utilised as an e-Learning aid to provide the means to improve the efficiency and quality of learning. In addition, the detailed statistical reports on the results of testing enable each user to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the gained knowledge. It is therefore best employed in conjunction with some more traditional e-Learning methods to provide a rich and complete system in order to maximize the quality of the learning experience.

At the end of the test the user is presented with a detailed scoring sheet with marked correct and incorrect answers. In case of an incorrect answer, the user can be advised to review a certain lecture which corresponds to the subject of the question. For multiple choice questions with several correct answers, each answer is evaluated separately and highlighted accordingly. Question scoring algorithms may be adjusted and revised to fit specific requirements of some systems.

Great advantage of this approach is the uniqueness of generated tests achieved by random selection of questions within each difficulty level and random selection of supplied answers and their order of appearance for each selected question.


  • Belit e-Testing practical software e-Learning tool that can be utilised as an aid to provide the means to improve the efficiency and quality of learning.
  • Belit e-Testing is a modern, flexible and scalable web application.
  • The detailed statistical reports on the results of testing enable each user to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the gained knowledge.
  • The uniqueness of generated tests is achieved by random selection of questions within each difficulty level and random selection of supplied answers and their order of appearance for each selected question.

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