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Instructional Design within the Education Project in the Framework of Modernization of Serbian Customs System
Full project name: Instructional Design within the Education Project in the Framework of Modernization of Serbian Customs System

Instructional design consists from more mutual related phases that are partially overlapping: analysis, central instructional design (depending from chosen model of methodology includes design, development and part of implementation phase), input of text and preparation of graphic content, text formatting (that is mostly in implementation phase), adaptation of raw text in content with SCORM standard, and quality control (that is evolutionary phase).

The aim of the project is to improve economic sector in Republic of Serbia through the mutual development course for distance learning from the area of relevant foreign trade legal regulations, including the one defined by CEFTA and European Union.

Conceptual design applicable to all modules was designed. Using the methodology that are defined by ID model, material for 13 (thirteen) modules was produced. All 13 (thirteen) modules are exported to HTML and SCORM compatible formats. Additionally, the motivation of all participants in the process of education was increased by introducing a simple, effective and intuitive ways of presenting educational material.


  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Origin of funding:

  • GTZ GmbH


  • Serbia

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