The Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP) foresees the implementation of a specific statistical chapter which defines harmonisation with international standards as a main objective. In the SAP, the existence of reliable, relevant and timely data has also to serve all other policy areas by providing the necessary information to assess policy needs and impact of programmes. Accurate economic statistics is an absolute requirement since the EU adopted exceptional autonomous trade measures with the Western Balkans Region (over 95% of EU’s trade is liberalised). Reform in statistics is a horizontal activity that intersects with each of the Multi-Annual Indicative Programme focal areas, reinforcing and extending the assistance being provided to other sectors.
The SAA Feasibility study 2005 reiterated the urgency for “Serbia and Montenegro to develop statistical systems, capable of providing the timely, reliable, objective and accurate data needed to plan and monitor transition and reform”.
The general objective was to support the Statistical Office in the Republic of Serbia with the appropriate information technology in order to ensure quicker and more efficient data collection, data processing and data dissemination.
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