On Friday, December 10, 2021, in the conference hall of the Ramada Hotel in Podgorica, the closing conference of the project “Implementation of the e-procurement system of Montenegro” was held, a project funded by EU pre-accession funds and implemented by Belit since November 2018. Successful development and implementation of a completely new electronic public procurement information system is one of the most significant projects that Belit has implemented in its two decades of existence, both for us as a company and for the client Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, for which this is a big step towards closing Chapter 5 of the negotiation process of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union.
You can find more details in the following link: http://prcentar.me/clanak/crna-gora-ima-jedan-od-najpotpunijih-i-najefektivnijih-sistema-javnih-nabavki-u-evropi/1852