• header info - Belit doo, Trg Nikole Pašića 9, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 (11) 20 30 403, office@belit.co.rs

Our products

Our products are specialised software solutions from financial sector, public and government sector, as well as energy efficiency, intellectual property rights, human resources, and health and social care sector. Our products improve business processes, save resources and increase efficiency. Analysis of existing and consulting in better software utilisation for improvement of business processes, as well as implementation of these solutions, is integral part of our services to our clients.

We are dedicated to constant improvement of our products and services, and we always stay in tune with latest trends in IT.

  • Energy ManagerInformation system for monitoring, analysing, planning and managing flows of energy.
  • Public Procurement PortalCentral hub for publishing of procurement in electronic form.
  • Facility RegistryUnified registry of facilities.
  • MARISCentralized information system for management of intellectual property rights and royalties of composers, songwriters, lyricists and editors.
  • HR BookSoftware for HR management.
  • eTestingWeb platform for permanent learning and testing.
  • Credit BureauSystem that allows insight in ongoing solvency of natural persons, legal entities and entrepreneurs.
  • sRisksSystem for management of Non-Performing Loan Portfolio (NPL) in banks.
  • BankReportSolution that connects the central banking system with reporting department at the National Bank of Serbia.
  • PP reportSoftware for management of tax applications.
  • AgOD reportSoftware solution for electronic exchange and reporting of banks to Deposit insurance agency.
  • PP clientSoftware for data connecting and exchange between company’s core system and e-banking system.

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